

It started in Rapid City. I started looking at the bigger picture of things. I had realized that for years, when driving, all I saw was the road in front of me. I never noticed the larger picture down the road. But while I was living in Rapid City I would look, not just down the road, but would widen my viewpoint. I would notice mundane things like the power lines, the direction the road would turn, winding back and forth. I started seeing so much more than I ever had before. Now, more than a year later I am learning how to be an "observer", someone who watches, sees the larger picture while at the same time notices the smallest details. Maybe it is coincidence, but a few weeks ago I started reading a spy novel where the hero of the story calls himself the "Close Observer". Reading this fictional book has taught me something about reality, how to observe small details about people and life. Because of this I have started another journal dedicated strictly to observations I make in the world around me. Is it wrong for me to call it "The Close Observer" since I found that name in a book? How many newspapers have the word "observer" in their title? I don't want to be perceived as a plagirist, but I like that name as it fits this part of me really well. I don't know how often I will publish there as I want it to be filled with quality, interesting posts concerning observations I make in the world around me. I will be using it as a way to develop and nurture my my observational skills.


Tsoniki said...

Hey I am from South Dakota! :)

I found your blog via another blog comments. Yes people really do click on those names. LOL

:) Tsoniki

Unknown said...

Hey, thanks for the shoutout! I really miss South Dakota, not anymore because of who I left behind, but now because it was everything I always wanted in a place to live. Hope to hear from you again sometime, and yes, I too click on the names in comments if I found their comment interesting in some way. I guess/hope mine was for you.