
dreams and things...

I had another dream last night about tam, the kind you wake up from and swear it was real. I won't go into all the details (stop thinking like that! there was no sex in it!), I will only say once again I was reminded of the depth of my feelings for her.
Work was very productive today. I corrected ALOT of suspended claims and transmitted them. Hopefully most will pay and I will look like the warranty wonder boy. We shall see. Other than that not much happened.
I am so tired. I had stopped taking tylenol pm's, I have never liked taking any kind of medicine, but I will return to them next week as I have only been sleeping 5-6 hrs each night. I don't think I will make it to Saturday Night Live tonight.
rained today. mowing needs doing. car needs worked on. only one day off this weekend. I guess I will not get things done as I am going relax tomorrow. I have to work up my presentation for the court hearing on Thursday so other than grocery shopping and maybe a run to Fry's I will hang out here in my chair in front of the puter. Give me an early morning and some coffee and I will have it done.

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